one client shares her Reiki experience


“my body was suddenly completely free of clutter and congestion”

While Reiki is gaining in popularity, many people aren’t familiar with it and wonder what it feels like. I recently asked one of my clients, Libby, to share her personal experience with Reiki. While everyone experiences Reiki differently, her story may help you know what to expect.

“I had my first Reiki session at a retreat for cancer survivors. At the time, I thought Reiki was essentially massage, but without actual touching. I had no expectations; I figured it would be a nice opportunity to relax, but no more.

The experience was truly like no other

During the session, I was laying on a comfortable bed. The lights were dimmed. I was fully clothed and under a cozy blanket. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply as the practitioner worked her way around my body, lightly touching parts of my body or holding her hands above me.

While the practitioner didn’t always place her hands on me, I could sense where she was and almost felt a strange pull of energy or motion wherever her hands were. Visions of relaxing fields and clouds floated in my mind.

At the end of that first session, it felt as though every atom in my being was exactly where it should be. I felt lighter, as though I was breathing better, and my body was suddenly completely free of clutter and congestion.

an invaluable tool during cancer treatment

Since that first session, I’ve experienced Reiki with Tammy, and the experience has been similar, though not identical. It’s always a relaxing and centering experience, and sometimes I hear messages or experience the sensation of my spirit guide being close by.

Tammy possesses an incredible intuition that’s hard to describe. Without me saying anything, her sessions guide me toward a place of peace and healing.

I’ve turned to Reiki before surgeries and cancer treatment, and also when I’m feeling particularly ungrounded or anxious. Reiki has been an invaluable tool during my cancer treatment, but I also rely on it for a profound relaxing effect.

Tammy Mueller