

“Reiki helps me reset. It helps me find peace and remove emotional and physical congestion.”



“Tammy is truly gifted. I was brought to ‘another place’ during Reiki and felt restored. She even gave Reiki to my dog when she was ill and I noticed a peace come about in her.”

— Jennifer B.


“ I've just completed my Reiki Master class with Tammy and am so excited to continue my journey helping others the way Tammy has helped me. I've known Tammy for 12 years and I now believe people are brought into your life for a reason. I've seen Tammy grow thru her Reiki journey so she can selflessly help others. She is truly a kind and generous person. She has opened my eyes and heart in ways I never thought I could. I am grateful and blessed our paths crossed so many years ago”

— darcy s.

“Tammy is remarkably connected. She’s supportive and intuitive, and I always feel better after being with her.”


Meeting with Tammy, I went in with an open mind not knowing really what to expect & left with a sense of calm & knowledge that I was on the right path. I could tell that she picked up the person I asked her about, because she described her perfectly. I was especially amazed by one announcement in particular that was in reference to something that was on my mind for many weeks. Tammy is friendly, easy to talk to & I highly recommend her.

— LIZ m.

A breath of fresh air and hope. Something that works for me and I'm so grateful. So comforting with no judgement and someone who genuinely wants to help and does. I recommend Tammy she has become a light in my life after only one session. It's an experience for sure. I encourage this company for anyone looking for something different that works.

— Ariana C.