Pendulums are a tool for divination and spiritual healing. They are made from sharp, polished crystals with a point that is attached to a metal chain or sometimes a string. They can also be made from carved wood on a thread. When suspended in the air by a stationary object or held up by the fingers, a pendulum will swing back and forth or in a circular motion. Pendulums promote healing with the process of Dowsing which seeks out invisible energies. This connects people to higher energies spiritually and can help locate any blocks in energy. They are used as a form of reflection by asking questions to receive guidance, awareness, and understanding.

If you are looking to expand your spiritual practice and gain some clarity, a crystal pendulum can be a great tool to guide you. Crystals hold powerful healing properties that can help align chakras and balance the body, mind, and spirit. They can also be used for crystal healing purposes to discover where energies might be blocked.

Tammy Mueller